Individual/Family Health Plans
MDIS offers individuals and their families a variety of individual health plan options, including EPO and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) plans, both on and off the exchange. MDIS works with several health insurance carriers to offer affordable solutions for your insurance needs. Plans offer a variety of options, such as deductibles, co-insurance and prescription drug coverage. Due to the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), major medical plans no longer put limitations on benefits due to medical underwriting.
Christy gives you some notes on the individual health insurance market. Watch this video to learn more!
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment
The ACA enacted limitations to when an individual can purchase major medical coverage. Open enrollment begins November 1 every year, for coverage effective January 1.
- Unless you have a qualified event (Special Enrollment Periods), you will not be eligible to purchase coverage outside of open enrollment. *Short-term plans are available for purchase throughout the year.
- Special enrollment periods allow individuals the option to purchase health insurance coverage outside open enrollment. Most qualified events trigger a 60-day window of opportunity to purchase a policy.
- Most events will have an effective date of first day of the month following receipt of application by the carrier. It is crucial to apply as soon as an individual receives notification of the impending event. (Exception is birth or adoption of a child, which would be date of event.)
Exchange Plans & Subsidies
In 2021, the Biden Administration raised the income limits for subsidy eligible individuals enrolling through the marketplace, so more individuals qualify. The subsidies are on a sliding scale; the lower the income, the higher the subsidy. Silver plans have additional cost-sharing benefits with a reduction in out-of-pocket expenses. If an individual does not qualify for a subsidy through the exchange, there is no incentive to purchase a policy through the exchange and be limited on plans, carriers and networks. MDIS can help you with eligibility determination and enrolling through the exchange. If you have access to employer sponsored coverage that is deemed affordable and provides minimum value, you may not qualify for a subsidy through the exchange.
Off Exchange Plans
Off exchange plans for higher income wage earners have greater access to carriers and plans with broader networks. Plan designs in the exchange are sometimes much different than plans outside of the exchange.
Contact Us
Don’t hesitate to call or email Whitney or Christy with your questions!
Licensed Agent
Health Insurance Manager
573-469-7004 or Email Whitney
Christy Diehl
Licensed Agent
Health Insurance Manager
573-469-7003 or Email Christy
Health Savings Account Resources
- HSA Information
- How an HSA Works (Infograph)
For more information regarding any coverages listed on this site, email or call 800-944-7550. This information is designed to provide a general overview with regard to the subject matter covered and is not state specific. The authors, publisher and host are not providing legal, accounting or specific advice to your situation. Request of a quote for coverage does not guarantee that coverage can be provided. Any misstatements or omissions of relevant information from a client can result in a price variation or even declination or rescission of coverage.